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lol, if you like ragdolls, you should play The Getaway: Black Monday... lots of ragdoll goodness and you can drag them too, it's funny

P.S - you don't take screen shots with F5, you press Print Screen that is located next to F12... then you go into MS Paint or something and paste and there is your screen shot.

you fucking fucker...

YOU STOLE THIS... I've seen this before with the same voice, music everything... except you drew the crappy animation for this one!

good ol' molotov cocktail lol

you didn't see the last two kill eachother though... but still cool

PS: bullets are rounded at the end, not pointed :)

the alien did look better...

and you moved things more too, better than the last one.


no, brando1... you should shoot yourself, not someone else :) ... there's enough of arseholes like you in this world

Frank-Uselesschris responds:

thnx and yeah i agree :P

it was good..

i didn't like the music though :)

how did you draw the sky? it was cool...

Frank-Uselesschris responds:

the sky is a picture of a sun set taken from google that i placed in the background, which makes the clouds and what not, i then placed a linerly rendered block on its side covering the sky, fading from purple ro nothing to get the colour and brightness i wanted, the stars wereplaced inbetween the images and fader which i why they disappear as u go up, the stars them selves are just a simple drawing in three sizes places in a patten, if you zoom in you can see the actual shape

it was alright...

the graphics were alright, the voices were ok, but you kept like breathing into the mic.

Cyberttd and everyone else, stop with the friggin' gay jokes!!! it's not funny, they're people too you know!

shut up gimpylegs

this was awesome

I love that song...

but the animation wasn't great...

In everything I have ever watched or heard Good is Light - Evil is Dark

But you had it the other way round... ?

HeckoX responds:

Quote: "In everything I have ever watched or heard Good is Light - Evil is Dark"

Answer: Who ever said that they were right?

And yes, I had to have it the other way around because I would like to turn people's view of everything upside down.


I love Final Fantasy... this is cool

i didn't want to be negative either lol

You are the best animator in the world!

I love all your animations and BiteyCastle is cool!

How long did it take you to make this animation?


Faye @faye-smith

Age 35, Female

Nottingham, UK

Joined on 6/24/04

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