View Profile faye-smith

45 Game Reviews

9 w/ Responses

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I didn't like it....

it was alright, but it didn't really have a point... no background story or why we should be shooting those people, just 1,2,3 or 4 players

it's good because it makes fun of bush...

but, how do you know that these 'facts' are really true?

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Depends on which facts that you are referring to.

For many of these, there are signed affidavits from people who know. In the case of Scooter Libby, one of the reporters who reported the exposure of the CIA agent was jailed by the committee investigated who leaked the name. He finally gave up Libby so that he could get out of jail.

MORE IMPORTANTLY....how do we know that anything Bush tells us is the truth. When he is cornered for facts, he dodges the question. I doubt almost everything that Bush says. He is a proven liar.

alright game...

it's alright... you only get one life though, which takes the fun out of and makes it annoying

whoa, is that you?!

you're a bit old to be playing warrior aren't you?

and it was crap...


not my type of game... but it was good :) That idiot (messymike) was being a tool...


You need sound, sound would make this game a lot better!
But you should also try and make it more interesting bcoz click & destroy gets boring, plus it was slow.

But other than that, it was good, and your drawing doesn't suck


This is a crapper version of Pico(?)

You copied some of the scenes from it.


There was no real effort to that, anyone could make that and guess what... Where's Waldo? I know where Waldo is, up your abnoxious arse, that's where!
There was no need to be so mean in your "game"!

That-Is-Bull responds:

Psh, not anyone could make that. It was actually pretty hard to do. And I be mean in the game for humor. I guess. Whatever.

that was good

I thought it was boring, because i'm not into that sort of thing, but yeah it was good.


Faye @faye-smith

Age 35, Female

Nottingham, UK

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