View Profile faye-smith

45 Game Reviews

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not that good...

you can't really see where to aim, not enough bullets in your magazine and once the zombie is on you, you have no way of getting it off... my rating is 2/10

this was ok...

i liked watching father ted, it was funny... but this needs more clips...

And to you dumbass' out there, the man who plays Father Ted has passed away, so don't be so nasty >:(


it's just button pressing... it's an alright game... the preloader didn't work properly though

Ahib responds:

Thanks, I just fixed the preloader.


it's boring, just clicking things, you don't know what the target is, stupid plot, the same music over and over again...

BrianSexton responds:

If you don't know what the purpose of the game is, you should try reading--the text that tells you about that "stupid plot" tells you what you need to do.

Of course it has the same music over and over again; it is just a short game that someone with decent shooting-game abilities may be able to finish within a couple minutes or so.


not very good graphics, you spelled JAZZY wrong and did you really think people could press all those buttons at the same time!? too many arrows

Onigirlluvr responds:

new version but we messed up on uploading it we uplaoded the wrong thing but tommarow we will have a new version! with a skill chooser for n00bs l33ts and EXTr3mers thanks
Onigirl Teamâ„¢


It'd be cool if there were lots of different types of bugs, different backgrounds and noises... and your misses thing doesn't work

But good job


there's something wrnog with your game, it comes up the your site comes up... check your action script

and shutup 'Winter_Stardust' you idiot.. the site isn't lousy... it's better than anything you could ever do


needs to be a little more detailed ect...

and don't listen to that rude idiot ^ Atom_Blob

lots of potential

it was quite good... but there was no start, back or continue buttons, you have to click x in the corner then restart the game if you lose a fight and stuff... try and sort that out please

this has potential...

to be a great game...

check your spelling
make so we can attack and defend ect...
and sometimes you don't know where to go or where you are and stuff...


Faye @faye-smith

Age 35, Female

Nottingham, UK

Joined on 6/24/04

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