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it was good..

i didn't like the music though :)

how did you draw the sky? it was cool...

Frank-Uselesschris responds:

the sky is a picture of a sun set taken from google that i placed in the background, which makes the clouds and what not, i then placed a linerly rendered block on its side covering the sky, fading from purple ro nothing to get the colour and brightness i wanted, the stars wereplaced inbetween the images and fader which i why they disappear as u go up, the stars them selves are just a simple drawing in three sizes places in a patten, if you zoom in you can see the actual shape

I love that song...

but the animation wasn't great...

In everything I have ever watched or heard Good is Light - Evil is Dark

But you had it the other way round... ?

HeckoX responds:

Quote: "In everything I have ever watched or heard Good is Light - Evil is Dark"

Answer: Who ever said that they were right?

And yes, I had to have it the other way around because I would like to turn people's view of everything upside down.


I personally don't like it... but it was alright.

Have you been making this for 8 years, or did you start it and then only finish it now?

Because it doesn't look like you've put 8 years of effort into it

TmsT responds:

No, 3D Realms have been making "Duke Nukem Forever" for that past eight years. I started this about a month or two ago.


every daily toon sucks... no effort

TheStarSyndicate responds:

Yea, because your crummy dress-ups are any better.

an alright tutorial

you need to raise your FPS (frames per second) on this one, everything is slow

Sneakers responds:

I raised it from 12fps to 15fps...seems to run abit quicker now.
Just let me know if it's an improvement.

the submission was crap...

but I just rated the Zero Star one... the only one with talent

TheStarSyndicate responds:



needs sound, a head and more moves

45288 responds:

lol this is old and people if u look carefully u will see that he's regular and then goes goofy? just cuaghtenudity..owell! im better at animating now!


cool, that was funny... i'm surprised Sesame Street isn't the cause of child retards...

how come you removed your other flash ?

MessiaH responds:

Thanks for the review.

The reason I removed the most recent FLASH SIMS submission was because it had a terrible score, and I felt that it could never improve, so I just updated the original Flash SIMS, which has a 3.00+ score.


Faye @faye-smith

Age 35, Female

Nottingham, UK

Joined on 6/24/04

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